

Do you have large video files and want to split to small pieces in order to record them to several CD or DVD?
Latest version 2.6.33
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VidSplitter 2.4.7 review

Editor rating
5 / 5
File size
8479 KB
Review date
24 March 2010

VidSplitter is a smart and capable video splitting application with power and capability.
Branded with excellence, power and capability this free to use video splitter is useful in splitting large video files to small pieces. The simple interface and exclusive capabilities of this tool makes it comfortable to the end user to easily split large video files to small pieces and record them to several CD’s or DVD’s. This complete Video splitting tool can easily split large AVI, mpeg, WMV, ASF files into smaller video clips supporting different formats. This amazing application is enhanced with features like: it supports video codec for output files, audio codec for split files, fast and easy processing of video files, splitting process is contributed with high speed, and the output CD’s or DVD’s inherit high picture quality for better viewing.
VidSplitter is compatible with Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003 and fits in all your video splitting needs..

VidSplitter 2.0e review

Editor rating
5 / 5
File size
8182 KB
Review date
23 March 2008

VidSplitter is the most powerful and capable video splitting application which stands out of the crowd.
This free to use tool compatible with Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003 is all you need to fit in your video splitting needs. The exclusive tool designed to be comfortable to the end user allows to easily split large video files to small pieces and record them to several CD’s or DVD’s. This complete Video splitting tool can easily split large AVI, mpeg, WMV, ASF files into smaller video clips supporting different formats. The wizard tool also supports other features like; it supports video codec for output files, audio codec for split files, fast and easy processing of video files, splitting process is contributed with high speed, and the output CD’s or DVD’s inherit high picture quality for better viewing.
The powerful features easy to use interface and simple features makes it easily manageable by the novice user too.